We search the world to find the best independent brands and designers and bring them all together under MOXON.
So you get lots of top-selling products from around the world, all from one easy-to-deal-with supplier.
+ No Minimum Order
+ Fast Delivery
+ Easy Online Ordering
Forget lots of invoices in different currencies, multiple deliveries and hundreds of emails.
With MOXON you get one invoice in your currency and just one delivery. Oh, and a dedicated account manager who's always friendly and on hand to help.
We're the exclusive partner to independent brands from all over the world, so we have lots of fresh new products that you don't find in every other shop.
From top-selling design gifts and gorgeous stationery, to contemporary homeware, and even art prints, we have so much your customers will love ❤
“Working with Patsy and the rest of the team is always a pleasure!
Professional, reliable and straight forward, it has been a dream partnership for us and it’s great to have witnessed MOXON’s growth over the past couple of years.”
James, Papersmiths UK
We setup MOXON to help independent retailers like you spend less time dealing with suppliers so you can spend more time focusing on your customers and growing your business.
Join the many retailers already seeing the benefits.
Drop us a message here, email us or give us a call:
Phone: +44 (0) 7951 816 879
Whatsapp: +44 (0) 7951 816 879
Our form is currently broken and is out of action whilst we fix it, please email us trade@moxon.london with the name of your shop, phone number and items you are interested in. We will get back to you shortly!