Coming into the final quarter of the year can feeling daunting, the pressure is on to achieve all of our Goals before the year is out.
Taking some time to reflect before jumping in is key to enjoying the final months of the year, these are the things we will be thinking about in order to prepare for an enjoyable and successful Q4.
Reflect, what 3 big things have you already accomplish this year?
What are you looking forward to in the final Quarter?
Think about the major challenges you will face. How will you overcome them?
Time flies in Q4 - Decide now, what your Goals are for the next 90 days? Break them up into months so you have 3 big things to achieve each month. Focus on them and always come back to these each day.
How do you want to feel at the end of the year?
What will you do to celebrate?
This framework and more can be found in our MiGoals diaries, available now for 2024 :)