Journaling - How to get started and prompts

Journaling - How to get started and prompts

Journaling is growing in popularity due to its positive impact on our minds. A lot of people turn to it when overwhelmed, faced with a problem or just generally in a funk. 

Despite knowing the benefits, sometimes it is difficult to know where to start so we've put together some tips on how to get going, along with some prompts to help.


Free writing 

Set a timer and begin writing whatever comes out.

Write until your time is up.

Let thoughts free flow and allow your mind to guide you to topics and ideas that come naturally.

If you are struggling to fill the time, try and write about how you are feeling and explain more about why you are in that mindset.

All you need is a notebook and a pen, it's super easy to get started. 



Write down 3 things you are grateful for and try to make them different each day.

Starting or ending the day by reflecting and practising Gratitude can really help open up your mind to think positively or start to think about the things that aren't working for you.

After doing this you could also take 5 minutes to write down some further thoughts.

Need prompts and a structure? You can check out our Gratitude Journal here


Focus on specific areas of your life 

If you are new to journaling and free writing sounds a bit daunting then you could try looking at certain areas of your life until you find a way that works for you.

Use the 8 point guide found in our Wellness Planner and lean into the areas that you want to focus on. 

Physical / Nutritional / Emotional / Social / Spiritual / Intellectual / Financial / Environment 


Specific problems

If you are using journaling to try and work through problems / feelings that are bothering you then you can use this method to write through them.

Doing this should give you a full view of the situation and the space to see it differently. See below for an affective framework:

1. State your worry / problem

2. How do you feel about it?

3. What you think logically about it?

4. What are the illogical or unfounded fears you have about it?

5. Summarise by writing what you think is the most likely / realistic outcome based on your thoughts above. 


An in-depth guide to journaling

If you want to really embrace journaling then get started with the Praxis Method which is a set of 3 journals.

It's an extensive guide to all areas of the mind and includes guides on Mindfulness, Gratitude and Habits.

It will talk you through and the theories and psychology behind journaling.




Ready to get started?

Check out our journals here.



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